Tuesday, December 28, 2004

in skopje, macedonia

Just arrived from Kosovo, where I admit it was a bit unnerving handing over my diplomatic passport to a busdriver to register with the border guards. I watched his crew have a bit of a conversation over it at the restaurant while they ate soup and discussed god-knows-what. But it turned out fine, as Kosovo is run by the UN and anyone is welcome. Now we have moved to Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, and tomorrow we head to Lake Ohrid for a visit. Then Sofia, Bulgaria for New Year's, and back to Cairo for two weeks before heading off to Nairobi, Kenya for safari and whatever else it is one does in Kenya when on vacation.


Anonymous said...

O Captain my Captain,

Hit up Kosovo over the summer, it's a trip. If you get a chance to go back to Kosovo, go see the Dechani Monastery. You'll love Ochrid - my ex brought back pictures from her summer in Bitola (she's native) and Ochrid was by far the prettiest place she went.

Glad to see you're doing well,


K is said...

hey m, drop me a line with yr new email adress when you get a chance at skadmail at yahoo.com. it's great to see that yr doing well out and about in the world. happy new years!