Friday, October 26, 2007

The Daily Rod Returns

Just as I have returned to Cairo, so too have I returned to blogging.

I dedicate this blog to my mother; I hope it gives her much nachas. And I dedicate this blog also to the Enlightenment; I hope my postings will contribute to its progress in some way. Meeting either goal will be enough for me.

As readers of the first edition can confirm, this blog, although engaging, eloquent, and at times inspired, offers rather simple accounts of my life in Cairo, and occasional reflections thereupon. It is open to all, but intended for those few who care about the quotidian details of my life. Most importantly, it reassures my family that I am not dead.

First Posting:

Today I awoke at 9:00 and returned to sleep until 10:30, at which time I heard my roommate Anne walking around the apartment and humming to herself, I think the themesong to Gilligan's Island, but of course, I can't be sure. Anne offered to buy eggs.

I have recently changed my method of scrambling eggs, where instead of whisking the eggs in a bowl before cooking them, I now whisk the eggs while they fry. This method produces a less uniform and more courageous consistency. It is one of the many discoveries I have made here in Cairo.

After breakfast I spent the remainder of the day in our living room, studying for the GMAT exam, which I am scheduled to take in Cairo on December 10. Tonight I plan on going to a Halloween party thrown by a friend at the U.S. Embassy. I don't have a costume yet, but will likely cut a hole in a sheet and go as a ghost. With luck, I'll be the only ghost there.